Saturday, December 22, 2012

Happy Birthday Jesus!

What an amazing last day before Christmas Vacation!
The kiddos had a great time setting up the table for the party and getting all of our gifts ready!
We started our party with a great book exchange! The kiddos did such a great job ripping open the presents and thanking their friends, and of course posing for a picture for me!

 Then what is a party without.....FOOD!!! We had an abundance of food. Thank you to everyone who brought some in. The kiddos ate and ate and ate!!!

 We ended our party with a great game of musical chairs!! The kiddos had a great time dancing around and trying to force themselves into a chair. Hee hee

 As kiddos got out they came and hung out with me and we cheered on our friends!

 A great way to end the day from a Christmas hug from all my kiddos!
Have an amazing and blessed Christmas!!!